
    德興豬苗DEXING Piglets

    德(de)興(xing)豬(zhu)(zhu)苗【三元雜交豬(zhu)(zhu)】DEXING Piglets
    榮獲:歐盟福利養殖金(jin)豬獎Good Pig Production” Award by CIWF
    豬苗健康活潑 雙高雙低:瘦肉率高|屠宰率高|淘汰率低|肉料比低
    Healthy and lively piglets Production


    專業豬苗運輸車 飲水環控完善
    Professional piglet transport, equipped with drinkingand ventilation facility
    Sales coverage: South to Fujian, Guangdongprovince; north to Shanxi province
    “由世界農場頒布的‘福利養殖金豬獎’ ,是中國養豬企業在國際舞臺上受到的最高國際禮遇。”Good Pig Production” awarded by Compassion In World Farming, is the highest courtesy given to the China swine enterprises in the international arena in relation to animal welfare. 德興三元雜交豬苗,活潑精靈,體型健壯且肉質香美,適應(ying)性強且(qie)抗病力優,被客戶流傳為(wei)”雙高,雙低“的廣(guang)東豬苗第(di)一品牌。(雙高:瘦肉率和屠宰率;雙低:淘汰率和肉料比)DEXING “double high and double low” piglet, named number one in Guangdong. (double high: lean meat rate and slaughtering rate; double low: loss rate and feed-to-meat ratio)